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The audiobook market is a massive opportunity for authors and publishers to reach a new audience. Audiobooks are expected to grow by nearly 27% year-over-year until 2030, representing a large and lucrative market for authors to capitalize on. Audiobooks can be a great way to engage and expand an audience, but creating an audiobook can be expensive, time consuming, and may not even result in what you had in mind.

Hiring an Audiobook Reader

Hiring an audiobook reader can be a costly endeavor. An audiobook reader can cost up to $7,000 or more, depending on the length and type of book, and the production process can take several months. This means that authors and publishers would have to allocate a significant amount of resources and time to create an audiobook.

Cost of an Audiobook Production

Creating an audiobook can be a costly endeavor, as previously mentioned. Not only would hiring an audiobook reader be expensive, but the production process can be lengthy and require a substantial amount of resources. Furthermore, the product may not be what you had envisioned or intended.

Audie: The Easier, Cheaper Alternative

Fortunately, there is a much easier and more cost-effective way to create an audiobook. Audie is a unique and innovative audiobook reading service that can create an audiobook for only $99. This is significantly less than what it would cost to hire a human reader and the process is much simpler and faster. Audie employs super high quality AI voices that can read an entire book in only a few hours, providing authors and publishers with a fully prepared and distribution-ready package of files. Additionally, Audie will even tell you where to distribute the audiobook and there are no additional fees or commission payments. With Audie, authors and publishers can create an audiobook in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods.

The Opportunity of Reaching a New Audience

The audiobook market represents a tremendous opportunity for authors and publishers to reach a new audience. With the market expected to grow by nearly 27% year-over-year until 2030, authors and publishers can capitalize on this growth and reach a new potential audience. Furthermore, having an audiobook version of a book can result in 20% more readers for an author or publisher.


In conclusion, the audiobook market represents a large and lucrative opportunity for authors and publishers to reach a new audience and capitalize on the growth of the market. Hiring an audiobook reader can be expensive, take a long time, and may not even result in what you had envisioned. Fortunately, there is an easier and cheaper alternative with Audie, an audiobook reading service that can create an audiobook for only $99 and provide authors and publishers with a fully prepared and distribution-ready package of files. With Audie, authors and publishers can reach a new audience overnight and tap into the immense potential of the audiobook market. To learn more, check out Audie’s audiobook reading service.

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